OS Pro
How can a retail investor take part in it?
OS Pro is position as a project-focused subdivision of the greater OpenSwap ecosystem. However, this doesn’t mean that retail investors are barred from participating. Whenever a project wants to use a service that would involve the community, a portal would be set up on the OpenSwap DApp enabling access for retail investors to participate. For example, in the scenario that a project wants to start bonding with our OS Pro’s Bond Market, retail investors could choose to bond with their LP tokens.
How can a token project apply to be part of OS Pro?
Interested projects can directly reach out to the OS Pro team in the OpenSwap Official Community on Telegram.
How would this bring utility to OSWAP token?
The OS Pro team is actively exploring ways to give utility to OSWAP tokens with OS pro’s services. Some of the examples would be revenue sharing with the revenue generated from OS Pro’s services. Alternatively, the team is also considering ways to charge other projects for our services in the form of OSWAP tokens. More updates will be given as the rollout approaches.
Why should a project consider using OS Pro services?
Tech With our experienced team of engineers, contracts are carefully created and modified before the deployment. Projects can save on time and resources by relying on OS Pro’s services.
Exposure By partnering up with OS Pro, projects would be exposed to our other projects that are currently using or used our services in the past. They can also network with some of our reputable backers such as Coin 98 and Impossible Finance.
Experience The OS Pro team are battle-hardened veterans at DeFi. We will be able to sort out different parameters to get you the best results.
When will these services be available?
Already available: (Fixed) Farming & Staking, On-chain Private Sales. Bond Market: Q2-Q3 of 2022 Liquidity as a Service: Q3-Q4 of 2022
Projects on which chain can use these services?
Currently, OS Pro’s service supports BSC and Avalanche. Support for more chains is coming in the near future.
Last updated